Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Monday, May 25, 2009

Good times at Applebees: The 1st post of many

Some friends and I have this tradition of heading to Applebees on a Friday night and just hanging out. I just realized how funny all our conversations were and decided I need to start writing them down--if for nothing else, to relive the laughter. So, without further adieu, I bring you our last Friday night.

It took Erin forever to decide what to drink, which is pretty normal. Funny thing was, she was pretty proud of how "little time" it took her, which by any one else's definition was FOR-EV-ER. She kept scanning the menu and finding interesting things all the while continually commenting on how coconut sounded so good. I finally told her that she was having coconut and we got to move on with life...except Bekah, Erin's friend who was in town for the weekend, commented how she understands now how they call me the Executor. Great, what else did you tell her, Erin??? Though Bekah did say that they need to come up with a better name than one that implies someone dying. I sooooo agree. However, Erin and Leila do not agree....they like the name they chose.
The Mariners game was on in so we were commenting on that all evening. Bekah enjoys baseball so it was super nice being able to talk about the game with someone who understands it (to a point). Turns out Leila goes to came with the boy yet doesn't know a whole lot about the sport and is too afraid to ask questions. So, I was explaining some aspect to the game using the celery from my buffalo wings. Bekah drew a picture on a napkin. So, I took it and scanned it in. Awesome.

Somehow we ended up on the topic of "ways to kill yourself and how not to do it" (b/c it doesn't work). It came out of a facebook status update by my brother, Ryan, about how he had to respond to a suicide call. Then I started talking about blood....which completely freaked Erin out. She's sitting right beside as I write this and commented: "That was rude, uncalled for and unacceptable." Of course to her, the mere mention of blood fits that description. Bekah grew up in a nurse's family, too, so she's not freaked out about that topic....which is why we talked about it more than we needed to. But it's always fun watching Erin freak out. haha. I did realize that I'm not the only one who has a list called: "Things you grew up with that does not constitute a "normal" childhood." Bekah experienced some of the same stuff I did.

Oh probably the most exciting part of the night was when I stole Leila's phone and she freaked out!!! I have never seen her react to anything quite that way. I wanted to tell her boyfriend that it was girls night which means no boys allowed....even and especially via text message. Makes me wonder what exactly was on her phone. Leila, do we need to talk?

The night was winding down and Leila was wanting to go but the Mariner game went into extra innings and you can't leave in the middle of a game like that so we made Leila hold out. Which constitutes the 2nd time she's been held hostage by us. Haha, I guess that should be explained. There was a time where we made her stand up a boy...which was a good thing b/c this boy was not a good catch by any stretch of the imagination. Trust me. So, she stood the boy up and went to play Wii with us. At the time she was super nervous and feeling bad so she had to e-mail him when we got to the house. Erin and I were dying laughing. Leila agrees with us on the whole thing now but at the time she was freaking out.

It was a great night topped off by the fact that the Mariner's won (yeah, rare I know). I'm so glad I know these girls.

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