Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Aussie-ism's Part 1

While I'm here getting a package together for a dear friend in Japan, let me share with you some of the Aussie-ism's I've learned so far.....though I'm super tempted to make y'all guess.  Maybe I'll just keep the guessing to a couple of the weirdest ones...

Oz = Australia
sunnies = sunglasses
arvo = afternoon
journo = journalists
on holiday = on vacation.  Australians get 4 weeks federally mandated leave a year.
words that end in 'er' such as burger, now end in 'a' like burga.  Why?  b/c Aussies are too lazy to actually say the whole word!  (Yeah, Scott, I said it..)
aluminium is pronounced al - you - min - ium.  Yep, al....I'm going to have no clue what they're saying.
chemist = pharmacy/drug store
biscuits = cookies

*Pretty much anything two syllables on up gets shortened.  For example, Freemantle, a suburb of Perth, is Freo.
*They have traffic cameras everywhere....speed cameras, red light cameras and even road side breath tests (not sure how it works exactly).  Funny to think how Longview voted down red light cameras!!  haha.  They wouldn't do well in Oz.
*Oz is part of the Commonwealth and is not an independent nation (just like Canada).  One bonus...they get the Queen's birthday off from work.
*The peace sign with palm towards others is ok however turn your palm towards yourself and now you're flipping someone off.
*You HAVE to vote.  Vote or get fined $20.
*Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox, is Aussie.

For your guessing pleasure:
fanny =
rooting =


Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Big Change

So if you haven't heard yet, then here's the big announcement:

[drum roll please...]

In August 2012, I will be heading to Perth, Australia for an internship with the Perth Heat.

[pause for the **GASP**]

That's right.  I'm leaving Kelso-Longview, Washington and the good ole US of A.  That's not to diminish my time here (i.e. K-LV).  God has done a great work in me and I suspect He still has some stuff to do before I leave.  To think back when I first came to this town and to think where I am now.....I am so thankful that the God I know doesn't give up on seemingly hopeless projects.  :)

Now to the why.  Why am I leaving?  Well, there are a few answers.  When I first came to K-LV, I knew full well that this wasn't the place where I would forever stay.  I could attempt to explain how I knew but you'll need to either just be content with the explanation that there are some things I just know and can't explain how or attempt to have this conversation with my best friend, Kim.  Good luck on either pursuit.

So I knew I would leave eventually.  Originally, I thought this meant 2-3 years.  haha.  I graduated college in 2004 and have lived here ever since.  Do the math...I'll wait.  Yep, 8 years.  Slightly different than 3.  My life here has been great.  I've been on Young Life staff for 6 years, volunteered for a year before that (or was it 2?).  I've done 3 summer assignments--2 as Camp Director.  I've coached HS & club volleyball and been very successful on both fronts.  I have very, very good friends that will be lifelong friends.  I've learned who I am in so many different ways.  I don't regret any part of my time here.  I just knew it wasn't forever.  The funny part is that if you talked to me last June, I had a 2 year plan to leave Kelso and move on.  Funny  how our plans are different from the Lord's.

Why Australia?  Well, it's a place I've always wanted to go.  It's really a question of 'why not?'  An opportunity came and I'm going.  I'm all about the experience....some might say it's an adventure addiction and so be it.  My history certainly points to that fact.  I'm ok with the label.  ;)

There you go.  Feel free to ask questions or comment.  My next post will be "Things I've already learned about Australia."  There are some large differences that are more than amusing.  It will be the first of many "How to Speak Australian" stay tuned.  When I get there, I'll include pictures.

In the meantime...some Perth links.  :)

City of Perth
Map of Perth
Adventures of Western Australia