Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Aussie-ism's Part 1

While I'm here getting a package together for a dear friend in Japan, let me share with you some of the Aussie-ism's I've learned so far.....though I'm super tempted to make y'all guess.  Maybe I'll just keep the guessing to a couple of the weirdest ones...

Oz = Australia
sunnies = sunglasses
arvo = afternoon
journo = journalists
on holiday = on vacation.  Australians get 4 weeks federally mandated leave a year.
words that end in 'er' such as burger, now end in 'a' like burga.  Why?  b/c Aussies are too lazy to actually say the whole word!  (Yeah, Scott, I said it..)
aluminium is pronounced al - you - min - ium.  Yep, al....I'm going to have no clue what they're saying.
chemist = pharmacy/drug store
biscuits = cookies

*Pretty much anything two syllables on up gets shortened.  For example, Freemantle, a suburb of Perth, is Freo.
*They have traffic cameras everywhere....speed cameras, red light cameras and even road side breath tests (not sure how it works exactly).  Funny to think how Longview voted down red light cameras!!  haha.  They wouldn't do well in Oz.
*Oz is part of the Commonwealth and is not an independent nation (just like Canada).  One bonus...they get the Queen's birthday off from work.
*The peace sign with palm towards others is ok however turn your palm towards yourself and now you're flipping someone off.
*You HAVE to vote.  Vote or get fined $20.
*Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox, is Aussie.

For your guessing pleasure:
fanny =
rooting =


1 comment:

Scott said...

Our take on English is highly advanced. It's all about fitting more information in less time. Happy to bring you up to speed when you arrive!