Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trip #4: Wildhorse Canyon

Glad these snow days are allowing me to catch up on this blog. Though I am wondering if I'm getting home for Christmas with EVERY flight out of PDX being cancelled right now. My flight on TUESDAY is cancelled. Seriously? Clara prayed for a white Christmas....thanks Clara! Grr....

So, trip #4. This trip consisted of taking a group of kids down to Young Life's Wildhorse Canyon. I love Wildhorse. Such a great place to get away from life and have fun for a week. This year's group was great! I had an amazing cabin with really good girls, which if you know anything about my camp experiences then you know I don't always have good weeks. But, this one was FABULOUS! I've become good friends with some of the girls and keep in touch with most of those who went--even some of those not in my cabin.

Not much else to say about the week other than share some pictures! So enjoy!!

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