Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trip #5: Beyond Malibu Kayaking

The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;

for He founded it up on the seas and established it upon the waters.

Psalm 24:1-2

This is the second YL trip of my summer. An 8-day Beyond Malibu sea kayaking trip leaving from Egmont, British Columbia, Canada, and ending at Chatterbox Falls via the Princess Louisa inlet. This trip is totally me through and through. It was a small but great group. The first day we paddled 10 hours in pouring rain; second day, 8 hours with rain about 7 hours of that; third, 4th and 5th days, 6 hours in BEAUTIFUL sunshine and the last couple days were about 4-6 hours of paddling in the sunshine. After those first two days of feeling like drenched cats (to the point of rain jackets no longer actually repelling rain), the weather was beautiful and sunshiny and perfect. It was great. The best times were all those hours of paddling and the question game. You can find out sooooo much in 4 hours of the question game….even to the point of “I really didn’t need to know this” because, honestly, after day 4 of the question game, questions get a little random. Ok, a lot random (would you rather jump into a pit of snakes or eat a milkshake of cockroaches, moldy cheese and syrup?).

There were some interesting experiences and sights to be seen. We had a mountain lion walk through our camp one night. Luckily no one was in camp (we were down by the water) except our male guide. He got real big and growled and the mountain lion walked off (yes, walked). Needless to say, no one was alone in camp at all for the rest of the night. On our first day paddling, we saw a bald eagle eating an elk. We nicknamed the whole incident "America eating Canada"....hahaha.

There's more to this trip....but i can't find my notes. When I do, I'll update this.

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