Safeco Field

Safeco Field

Friday, September 02, 2011

Only semi-decent Kelso football

Ok, I know.  Ridiculous that I use my blog to rant about high school football but that's why you have a blog, so no one can tell you what to write about.

However, I just have to get it out.  As much as I hate (and yes, hate is the absolutely right word to use here) to admit it, MM ran a good offense.  Various sets, multiple options out of similar sets.  Kelso had to pay attention to where the ball was going.  Kelso?  Yeah, same looks, same direction, over and over.  Most plays had 1 of 3 looks:  screen to the right, run up the middle or a run to the right.  Super easy to defend.  MM looked like they had a fantastic defense, however it's not hard to defend 3 basic plays.

Now I realize I'm not a expert on different play packages, etc etc etc....but I've coached long enough to be able to read tendencies.  And the tendencies were nasty habits you just can't conquer. You know the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.  Unless Kelso changes something up, then it's going to be a long season in the powerful GSHL 4A.  Sigh.....

I guess I could also go to football games and be a part of the crowd who just socializes the whole time.  However, it's just soooo hard to shut off the coaching gene.  :)  Plus I like football.  A lot.  I like it even more when my team wins.